Thursday 9 May 2013

Accessories and Rita

For a while now I have been toying with the idea of doing accessories as a sideline alone with my dolls.

I am starting with a few small items just to see how they go but I am hoping to move on to other items that have a vintage feel to them. I go to quite a few vintage fairs and pick up so many items such as buttons, bits of fabrics and other accessories. So keep an eye out for new additions.

A few accessories on sale in my Etsy Shop

I have also been so busy to write up about my new doll Rita - I have been doing a few new designs and I feel happy with how Dollie looks at this moment, she has come along way since I did my first one.
Rita is a real glamourous doll, her soft blonde hair and blue eyes look beautiful with her long silk dress wrapped with a fur shawl and set off with her little hat.

Rita on sale

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